Tuesday, December 4, 2012

We made it!

We arrived last Monday evening and it was a long day followed by a long night.  The kids were great on the plane but it took a while to make it to our house.  On the way to the house (thankfully) we were a mile away, Nathan threw up all over himself.  It was so awful.  We got to the house and he was running around like he was fine, he ate dinner, then about 1 hour after that, he threw up again and then again.  Kevin took him to the ER where they watched him on and off for about 5 hours.  He threw up on and off, they gave him some medicine to stop the throwing up, but it continued.  Eventually they came home and Nathan slept for about 6 hours before the morning.  The next 3 days he was so sick, throwing up on and off about 1-2 times per day.  By Thursday night we had our boy back and he has been feeling healthy every since.  I think a lot of it was his anxiety being in a new place and there being so much change.  It breaks my heart but I am grateful that kids are so resilient and he seems to be catching on to our new life here in Parker, CO.

All of our stuff got here on Tuesday and that was a HUGE blessing!  Our house has been a total mess but we are slowly making progress.  Kevin is such a fast worker and has helped get this house together quickly.   He's already put up the Christmas lights too.  I'm so grateful that he always makes time to do things for the kids enjoyment (and mine!) no matter how tired he is.  I've met a few neighbors and one in particular brought us the nicest basket on Wednesday.  I wish I would have taken a picture of it before we devoured it.  
Poor Kiersten's stocking was missing for about 5 days so it was just the three of us on the mantle for a while.  It's quite a challenge unpacking AND trying to decorate for Christmas at the same time.

On Thursday we took a break from everything and went for a walk in our neighborhood.  We found some tunnels which Nathan's loves and park and played for a while.  The park is terrible for Kiersten.  The ground is covered in rocks and all she wants to do is eat them.  It was good for us to get out of the house though and away from the boxes for a short while. 

On Friday Kevin went to work at his new job.  He had a great first day.  His office has a view of Pikes Peak which is pretty cool!  I guess if were going to live in Colorado it's nice that he gets to look at the mountains all day long.   I'm trying to make Nathan feel as "normal" as possible.  We did a craft and ran some errands like we do back in CA.  He's been very needy and defiant lately and I'm asking God for his patience and wisdom as we navigate this difficult transition time for him.  Kiersten has been great, you'd never know anything has changed.  She's such a sweetheart!  She just goes with the flow and for that I am grateful!  If only, we can get her to stop crying in the car.  I am so OVER that. 

Saturday night we took the light rail train Downtown to watch the "festival of lights parade" that goes through the city.  We saw 1 float and some drummers and that was enough for all of us.  Nathan liked what he saw, but the train ride and the big bear were his favorite parts.  It was a fun night.

I got horribly sick on Saturday night and literally threw up 2 times every hour until 6 am.  It was horrible.  Kevin spent the whole day with the kids while I slept.  I'm feeling better now, thank goodness!

Today we tried out a new park that at neighbor told us about.  It's about 10 minutes away and it is awesome!  It opened in April and is great for all ages.

Okay, I've caught up the best I can and need to go get Nathan up from his nap.  


Unknown said...

Thank goodness for this blog! =)
I love the update and all of the pictures. Looks like you're on your way to making a new home. How was the light rail ride? We never used public transportation here! How did the kids like it? It must not be as cold as I thought Denver would be. You guys aren't bundled up in puffy jackets!

Unknown said...

I don't know why it keeps showing as "unknown". I signed in and it still says that. It's me! Judy! =)

Unknown said...

Good job Rachel!

Kim Thomas said...

I just realized I hadn't commented on this blog. This was a good update, I think it must have taken a long time to write this one-it was long. LOL

I feel so bad you had such a rough first week but am glad that things got to normal so quickly. XOXO