Tuesday, June 18, 2013

First Rockies Game

For Christmas my parents got us tickets to the Braves vs. Rockies game.  Anybody who knows us well knows the Atlanta Braves are our favorite team.  We looked forward to this game for months and when it was time to go, it was late April, 20 degree's and snowing.  The game was canceled.  It was a huge bummer but we picked a new game and we were just able to go.  It was such a fun night.  We got a babysitter for Kiersten, knowing it would be more fun without her (sorry Kiersten).  She's just too little and would have been tired and we would have had to leave early.  Nathan and I met Kevin at work, we hopped on the train and took it to the game.  It was really fun.  Nathan loves trains so it made for an extra special night.  He doesn't however like sports very much at all so the game wasn't interesting to him.  Hopefully he'll learn to love something athletic one day.

 Waiting for the train.  I think he's excited!?
 It's almost here! 
 Hot Dog time! 
 Having fun! 
 Special treat to end the night! 
 So good. 
 Going home.  Nathan thinks it's funny to wear

Pintrest: Sidewalk Chalk Paint

I have pinned so many things to do with the kids that I have found on pintrest and I finally did one last week!  I made the sidewalk chalk paint.  You can find out how to make it here. The kids loved it and it worked really well.  I was worried the food coloring would stain their clothes so I stripped them down.  When it dries it rubs right off their body, so clean up is easy with a hose outside.  

Just a few pictures

We decided when we moved to Colorado we would do our best to make the most of living here.  So we just bought mountain bikes and a bike trailer.  We took the kids on the first ride last weekend.  They were overall good but it will take time for them to get used to it.  
 K's first cone
 Nathan loves sweets just like Kevin
 Helping in the kitchen 

Nathan's first soccer practice

Anybody who knows Nathan knows he doesn't show much interest in sports (how this is possible, I don't know!).  Oh well, it's good for him so we decided to put him in soccer.  He's not a fan but he sure does look cute!  His team is the "White Foxes" and they run around for like 45 minutes (25 minutes too long) but it's great for him to be exposed to this and learn how to "play" soccer.  

Ready to go! 
 Waiting for practice to start
 On the line! 
 As his coach says, "soccer ready position"
 Kiersten cannot wait for her turn to play.  She on the other hand, LOVES sports.  What a sweetie.