Thursday, February 14, 2013

A rough couple of weeks here!

My goodness!  These last 2 weeks have been horrid!  Nathan came down with this bad flu and had a fever for over a week, double ear infection, stuffy nose and sore throat. We were in urgent care and the ER.  It was terrible.  Then 2 days after he got better Kiersten came down with something called Noro Virus.  I'm guessing she got it at the gym.  It was AWFUL!  For 6 straight days she had diarrhea almost every hour (unless she was sleeping).  Her diaper rash got so bad. About 2 days after she started the diarrhea she started throwing up.  It was awful.  Needless to say, Nathan came down with it too and I think (I THINK) it's almost over.  Kevin and I thankfully have stayed away from it.  I have been sick for the last 2 weeks also with a cold, sore throat and cough.  I'm almost better. Kevin has been so helpful at night, I've been sleeping hard with my cold medicine and he's been tending to Nathan at night.  He's really tired and I feel bad but am grateful for his help.  

I'm so happy that this sickness came now so we will be better in time to go to CA next week to see family and friends. 

Here are some pictures from the last few weeks.

Nothing makes Nathan happier than throwing rocks in a still body of water.  We took him to this pond by our house.  He had a blast. 
 Watching Daddy throw far
 Kiersten was so good and hang out in her stroller patiently.  (she never does this)
 My friend Judy was in town for work and she stayed an extra day with us.  So fun and good to see her!

 The day Nathan started to feel a little better we went out for a walk by our house. 

Throwing rocks
 She loves her daddy! 

Kiersten loves her Minnie!
 Spending hours in her high chair
 Climbing on everything.  I expect her to try to climb out of her high chair soon
 Capturing her first Superbowl 
 I love seeing her get so smart and using toys they way they were intended. 

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